beauty, health and fitness


as the name implies, skincare is taking good care of your skin. before i go into the details I'd like to let you know that your skin is the largest organ on your body and consists of 2 main layers
the epidermis is the outer layer which we all see, it's the protective layer which contains melanin, a substance that protects the skin against the harmful rays of the sun. Ironically, the more exposure you get to the sun, the higher the production of melanin.
the dermis is the inner layer which contains hair follicles, nerve endings, blood vessels, nymph nodes etc. It is in the dermis   that we have sebaceous glands,these produce sebum which in turn produce oil. it is when a sebaceous gland is clogged we get acne/pimples. however, a deficiency in sebum production gives rise to dry skin.

ok, lets move on to skin types. There are basically 4 types
oily skin
dry skin
combination skin
normal skin
there is a last class- damaged skin
when buying makeup and skincare products, you need to put your skin type into consideration. Don't buy products because your friend did and it worked for her.
the basic skincare routine consists of the following steps

clinique 3 step skincare regimen

cleansing: there are lots of good quality cleansers for all the different skin types, they come either in liquid, soapy form or in a tonic form which you use cotton wool to apply. please do not use toilet soap on your face, its made for your body and the skin on your face is more sensitive than that on your body!

toning: removes make up your cleanser could not remove, evens out your skin tone (does not bleach! pls!) and preps the skin for moisturizing.
moisturizing: moisturizer protects the skin, replenishes natural oils and moisture removed during the processes of cleansing and toning, nourishes the skin, and can also act as an exfoliant if it contains Alpha hydroxyl acids.
In addition to the daily routines, you should get a facial treatment from a beautician twice monthly or at least monthly. this should have steps such as steaming, scrubbing and peeling, masking and if possible, a massage.

article courtesy of Bee's Signature @

Choosing the best ab exercises.

Abdominal exercises were chosen based on a study from the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University. They tested a number of common ab exercises to determine the best ones.
Their research compared 13 ab exercises, from the traditional abdominal crunch to more complex exercises, using both home and gym equipment.
The study scientifically measured, via electrodes, how much activity each movement imposed on the abs. This was done by ranking for muscle stimulation (through EMGs) in the rectus abdominis, the internal obliques and external obliques.

Winners of the best exercises for abs

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1) Bicycle Crunch Exercise headed the list of best exercises for the rectus abdominus (upper, mid belly region).
Doing the Bicycle Crunch Exercise
* Lie flat on the floor pressing lower back down
* Hands beside your head
* Raise knees up to a 45-degree angle and slowly do a bicycle pedal motion
* Tap left elbow to right knee, then right elbow to left knee
* Be sure to breath evenly throughout exercise

Click to go from best abdominal exercises to Home 2) The Captain's Chair exercise scored second on the list of best exercises for the rectus abdominus.
Doing the Captain's Chair Exercise
* With dangling, slowly lift knees towards chest
* Movement should be controlled, slow, bringing knees up and returning them back to start

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3) The abdominal crunch on an exercise ball listed third for best abdominal exercises for the rectus abdominus
Doing Crunch on an Exercise Ball
* Sit on the exercise ball, feet flat on the floor
* Allow ball to roll back slowly. Lie back until your thighs and torso are parallel with the floor
* Tighten & contract abs raising your torso no more than 45 degrees
* To further work the oblique muscles, make the exercise more difficult by moving feet closer together

Click to go from best abdominal exercises to Home 4) The vertical leg crunch is a great exercise for the rectus abdominis, external obliques internal obliques
* Lie on your back, extending the legs up with slightly bent knees
* Contract abs, raising up until shoulders are off the floor
* Keep chin up. Be sure not to pull on your neck
* Legs remain fixed
* Raise torso toward knees
* Lower torso & repeat for 10 - 20 reps

Click to go from best abdominal exercises to Home 5) The Reverse Crunch is another entrant in top ab exercise & targets the rectus abdominis.
Doing the Reverse Crunch
* Lie on back with knees bent and feet on the floor
* Put your hands on the floor or behind head
* Raise knees up to chest until they bend about 90 degrees
* Tighten & contract your abs then lift hips off the floor in a very small movement
* Lower hips and repeat

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6) The Plank Exercise is last entrant in our list of best abdominal exercises.
* Start in the plank position with forearms & toes on the floor
* Ttorso is straight and firm. Body is in a straight line from ears to toes
* Head is relaxed. Look at the floor
* Retain position for 10 seconds to start
* Gradually work up to 30, 40, 50 seconds and beyond.